Take a look at what Holly Class have been doing recently!

Holly Class have recently been working hard on their assessment! They also enjoyed the Pro Sports Challenge, even Mrs Summer had a turn! In Science, the children have started exploring materials, using vocabulary to describe the different materials that they can see and touch. We are loving our regular visits to our Grange Farm! In Jigsaw (PSHCE) the children enjoyed bringing in baby photos to show how they have changed. The group had fun guessing who the babies in the photo were, some were quite tricky as they have changed lots!
Last week the children have used Talk for Writing to learn the story ‘My Friend Whale’, acting it out and then writing the story independently. They are enjoying Rugby in their PE lessons and in RE have had the opportunity to participate in ‘Hide the Matzo’ and taste matzo with charoset and parsley. In Geography the class learned about water safety and in Science they measured their sunflower plants. In Maths, some children have been continuing to learn their number bonds to 10 whilst others are using known facts to learn their bonds to 20. A busy couple of weeks of fantastic learning!

Posted by marchesadmin on 29th June 2021, under Uncategorised

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